
国外著名大学的软件工程博士教育(美,加,英,新,芬),UC Berkeley对DE的经典定义

国外著名大学的软件工程博士教育(美,加,英,新,芬),UC Berkeley对DE的经典定义

PhD Program in Software Engineering at CMU
Graduates will be prepared for faculty positions in software engineering, for research positions in industrial laboratories, and for leadership positions in development in both computer industry and application shops.

As faculty, they will be distinguished by their genuine understanding of software design and development issues, which can be expected to shape their selection of research problems and evaluation of research results.
As industrial developers, they will understand not only academic research issues but also engineering constraints that arise from public policy, economic, regulatory, and market issues.
As senior software system developers, they will have a distinctive perspective that addresses specific problems in the context of the principles and results of the field.
In addition to talent and research skills that will allow them to advance the field, graduates will have a clue about practical issues of software design and development from requirements acquisition through maintenance. They will be prepared to enter research or advanced development positions in application areas, distributed networks, embedded/critical systems, and other specialties as well as conventional software system development. They will know enough about managing projects and about the software industry that they will not be naive about business questions

[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-9 23:25 编辑 ]
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※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com

Degrees Offered:

Doctor of Computer Engineering
Doctor of Computer Science
Doctor of Electrical Engineering
Doctor of Electrical Engineering - Microelectronics
Doctor of Materials Science and Engineering
Doctor of Software Engineering
Doctor of Telecommunications Engineering
http://www.utsystem.edu/bor/meet ... ngs/4-02aacbook.pdf
The University of Texas at Dallas proposes to establish Ph.D. programs in Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, and Telecommunications Engineering.
In addition to four Ph.D. programs in areas of Engineering and Computer Science, UT
Dallas offers two interdisciplinary Master’s of Science degrees in the areas of Computer
Engineering and Telecommunications Engineering. The success of the interdisciplinary
Master’s level programs has demonstrated the need for more advanced research based
programs to provide leaders in engineering and technology for continued economic
development in the region served by UT Dallas and in the state as a whole. The proposed
new Ph.D. programs are intended to build on the success of the Master’s level programs
and to produce more highly qualified engineers and high technology workers; to attract
more federal research funding; and to help close the gap between the number of
engineering and high technology graduates and the number of top quality faculty
available to teach and cultivate would-be practitioners in both academe and industry.
Program Descriptions
Computer Engineering:
The proposed Computer Engineering program is designed to train engineers who are knowledgeable and skilled in the area of complex computer hardware and software systems. The proposed program is highly interdisciplinary, with an emphasis on original research in the areas of high performance and complex hardware and highly reliable and time critical software systems.
Software Engineering:
The proposed Software Engineering program is based on the strong and expanding demand for leaders in software engineering by local industry, the even greater demand for software engineering researchers and faculty by universities in Texas and the nation,and the initiation of licensing for software engineers by the state. The proposed program curriculum will provide students with a solid background in computer science as well as training in core areas of software engineering.

[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-8 15:19 编辑 ]


dsbdallas.pdf (1.86 MB)
2006-7-8 13:31, 下载次数: 97
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com

Penn State Great Valley

Doctor of Engineering in Systems and Software Engineering
The Engineering Division at Penn State Great Valley is pursuing approval for a Doctor of Engineering in Systems and Software Engineering. Through a rigorous part-time course of study leading to the completion of a significant research project, the program prepares scientists, engineers, and technologists for leadership positions in industry, government, and education.

[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-8 15:18 编辑 ]
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com
George Mason University

PhD Study in Software Engineering

Students may designate a concentration in software engineering in their doctoral degree title. The degree conferred upon a graduating student is PhD in information technology with concentration in software engineering. Students may also pursue such doctoral studies without designating a concentration in their degree title.

Students seeking this concentration must satisfy all the requirements for the PhD in information technology degree. In addition, the following requirements must be met.

Plan of Study
All decisions concerning the student's course requirements and plan of study must be approved by the advisor or director, with the consent of the ISE doctoral coordinator.

Doctoral Supervisory Committee
The dissertation director must be a faculty member of either ISE or the Computer Science Department. The composition of the doctoral supervisory committee is to be approved by the ISE doctoral coordinator, ISE chair, and IT&E associate dean for graduate studies and research. Permission for the comprehensive exam and dissertation defense is requested from the IT&E associate dean on the basis of a written request and plan that has been approved by the supervisory committee and the ISE doctoral coordinator.

Qualifying Exams
To satisfy the breadth requirement of the PhD degree, each student must pass a set of qualifying exams designed to test fundamental knowledge. The general IT PhD requirement is that each student must take four exams from three different master's programs. For the specialization in software engineering, each student should take the following qualifying exams (and courses if needed):

[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-8 14:50 编辑 ]
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com
UC Berkeley

Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy in Engineering

Degrees are granted after completion of programs of study that emphasize the application of the natural sciences to the analysis and solution of engineering problems. Advanced courses in mathematics, chemistry, physics, and the life sciences are normally included in a program that incorporates the engineering systems approach for analysis of problems. Students must have a B.S. degree in one of the accredited engineering curricula or satisfy the equivalent of a B.S. degree in engineering as determined by the department concerned.

Master of Engineering and Doctor of Engineering

Degrees are granted after completion of programs of study in professional engineering emphasizing technical, sociological, environmental, and economic problems involved in the design, construction, and operation of engineering structures, processes, and equipment. Studies include courses in the engineering sciences necessary to the engineering interpretation of the latest scientific developments, as well as courses in design, operation, humanities, and economics to provide bases for the analysis and solution of problems in professional engineering. Students must have a B.S. degree in one of the accredited engineering curricula or satisfy the equivalent of a B.S. degree in engineering as determined by the department concerned.

[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-9 01:56 编辑 ]
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com
Royal Military College of Canada

The department of Electrical and Computer Engineering offers the Master's and Doctoral degree programmes in Engineering, with specialty fields of Electrical Engineering, Computer Engineering, and Software Engineering.
This Department's graduate research programme is closely affiliated with and supported by DND research labs, directorates and agencies. There is also ongoing collaboration with government laboratories, private companies, and other universities in various research areas.
Computer Engineering/software Engineering:
high speed data acquisition
microcomputer systems
expert systems
digital systems
integrated circuits: engineering and design automation
computer communications
real time software design
robotics algorithms
software quality and process improvement
software development and maintenance
object-oriented analysis and design
distributed systems and security

[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-8 17:40 编辑 ]
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com
University of Bradford, Bradford, West Yorkshire, United Kingdom

3 The application for the Degree must be based either wholly or to a substantial extent on original work of distinction carried out by the candidate. When work is submitted which has been done in co-operation with others, the candidate's personal contribution shall be certified by a statement from him, supported by appropriate evidence, as to the share which he personally has taken in the work.
4 The work submitted must constitute substantial contributions to learning which have established the candidate's position as an authority in the field of study.
5 Applications shall be made in writing to the Registrar and Secretary and shall include a list of the works on which the candidate bases his claim for the degree. The candidate will subsequently be required to provide three copies of the relevant published works; he may also include unpublished works of which normally three satisfactory copies must be provided. The Regulations for the Submission of Work for Higher Degrees shall not apply to submissions for Higher Doctorates. All works submitted must be accompanied by a statement signed by the candidate giving full details of any other degree or diploma for which the works, in whole or in part, may have been submitted, and by a statement of between 5,000 and 10,000 words signed by the candidate setting out the basis of their case for the award of his degree.
6 The Senate shall appoint three assessors, at least two of whom shall be external, who shall be of recognised eminence in the subject of the submission. The Senate, after considering the report of the assessors, shall resolve whether the degree be awarded or not.
7 The provisions of this Ordinance shall not apply to the award of the honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering, Doctor of Laws, Doctor of Letters, Doctor of Science or Doctor of Technology.


[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-9 02:04 编辑 ]
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com
The University of Auckland, New Zealand.

The Software Engineering Programme at the University of Auckland is a specialisation of the Bachelor of Engineering (BE) degree administered by the School of Engineering. It is taught in co-operation with the departments of Computer Science and Electrical and Computer Engineering. It is a four year course of study that was first taught in 2000. There are currently approximately 200 students in the undergraduate programme. Some of the graduates have gone on to do Masters and PhDs in Software Engineering while others have found challenging jobs in industry.

[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-8 23:41 编辑 ]
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com
Tampere University of Technology,Finland

Software Systems Institute
Programming and Algorithms, Software Engineering, Computer Science, User Interfaces and Usability, Embedded Systems, Software Engineering of Network Applications.

How to Become a Doctor

Study for a doctorate at Tampere University of Technology! You can start by contacting the professor in your field at TUT.

The postgraduate degrees at TUT are Doctor of Technology, Doctor of Philosophy and Licentiate in Technology.

Postgraduate studies can be conducted whilst in employment or by studying full-time. Full-time studies take place in a graduate school, either at one of the university’s own schools or a school funded by the Ministry of Education.

Many postgraduate students have flexibly combined their work with postgraduate studies. Employers often encourage their employees to continue their studies as the research puts the very latest knowledge at the company’s disposal.

The Guide for Postgraduate Students tells what steps you should take if you consider continuing your studies all the way through to a doctorate.

[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-9 11:13 编辑 ]
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com
Cleveland State University


Program Information
The Doctor of Engineering degree is granted in recognition of high achievement in scholarship and an ability to apply engineering fundamentals to the solution of complex technical problems. Students are expected to pursue a broad program of study, pass all prescribed examinations, and submit an innovative, high-quality applied engineering dissertation as described in the section on Degree Requirements.
For detailed information, see the graduate catalog.

[ 本帖最后由 llljj 于 2006-7-9 11:38 编辑 ]
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com
Types of doctorates

Research oriented doctorates
While the Ph.D. is the most common doctoral degree, and even often (mis)understood to be synonymous with the term "doctorate", the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) recognize numerous doctoral degrees as equivalent, and do not discriminate between them:

Doctor of Arts (D.A.)
Doctor of Architecture (D.Arch.)
Doctor of Applied Science (D.A.S.)
Doctor of Business Administration (D.B.A.)
Doctor of Chemistry (D.Chem.)
Doctor of Criminal Justice (D.C.J.)
Doctor of Comparative/Civil Law (D.C.L.)
Doctor of Computer Science (D.C.S.)
Doctor of Criminology (D.Crim.)
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Doctor of Environmental Design (D.E.D.)
Doctor of Engineering (D.Eng.)
Doctor of Environment (D.Env.)
Doctor of Engineering Science (D.E.Sc./Sc.D.E.)
Doctor of Forestry (D.F.)
Doctor of Fine Arts (D.F.A.)
Doctor of Geological Science (D.G.S.)
Doctor of Hebrew Literature/Letters (D.H.L.)
Doctor of Health and Safety (D.H.S.)
Doctor of Hebrew Studies (D.H.S.)
Doctor of Industrial Technology (D.I.T.)
Doctor of Information Technology (D.I.T.)
Doctor of Juridical Science (S.J.D.)
Doctor of Liberal Studies (D.L.S.)
Doctor of Library Science (D.L.S.)
Doctor of Music (D.M.)
Doctor of Musical Arts (D.M.A., A.Mus.D.)
Doctor of Musical Education (D.M.E.)
Doctor of Ministry (D.Min./D.M.)
Doctor of Modern Languages (D.M.L.)
Doctor of Music Ministry (D.M.M.)
Doctor of Medical Science (D.M.Sc.)
Doctor of Nursing Science (D.N.Sc.)
Doctor of Public Administration (D.P.A.)
Doctor of Physical Education (D.P.E.)
Doctor of Public Health (D.P.H.)
Doctor of Professional Studies (D.P.S.)
Doctor of Design (Dr.DES.)
Doctor of Religious Education (D.R.E.)
Doctor of Recreation (D.Rec./D.R.)
Doctor of Science (D.Sc./Sc.D.)
Doctor of Science in Dentistry (D.Sc.D.)
Doctor of Science and Hygiene (D.Sc.H.)
Doctor of Science in Veterinary Medicine (D.Sc.V.M.)
Doctor of Sacred Music (D.S.M.)
Doctor of Social Science (D.S.Sc.)
Doctor of Social Work (D.S.W.)
Doctor of Canon Law (J.C.D.)
Doctor of the Science of Law (L.Sc.D.)
Doctor of Rehabilitation (Rh.D.)
Doctor of Sacred Theology (S.T.D.)
Doctor of Theology (Th.D.)
Higher Doctorates in the United Kingdom
The notion of doctorates that are higher than the Ph.D. is one that is rare in the United States, but more established in the U.K., where universities may maintain a notional ranking of the seniority of different doctorates. Higher doctorates include:

D.D. (Divinitatis Doctor or Doctor of Divinity)
LL.D. (Legum Doctor or Doctor of Laws)
D.C.L. (Doctor of Civil Law)
D.Sc. (Scienti栄octor or Doctor of Science)
D.Litt. (Literarum Doctor or Doctor of Letters)
D.Mus. (Music栄octor or Doctor of Music)
D.Tech. (Doctor of Technology)
D.Univ. (Doctor of the University - usually honorary)
D.M. (Medicin栄octor or Doctor of Medicine)
Engineering Doctorates in the United Kingdom
Engineering Doctorates are not considered a "Higher Doctorate" but are an alternative to the traditional Ph.D.

Eng.D. (Doctor of Engineering)
Higher Doctorates in Denmark
In Denmark there are five levels of degrees: Bachelor's, Master's, "magisterkonferens" (similar to an MPhil in the United Kingdom system; a degree by research, higher than a Master's but lower than a Ph.D.), Ph.D., and finally Dr., which is the higher doctorate.
dr.med. Medicine
dr.jur. Law
dr.theol. Theology
dr.phil. Philosophy (humanities)
dr.scient. Science (natural sciences)
dr.techn. Technology
Doctorates in Germany
In Germany, all doctorates bear the same level of merit (there are no first-degree doctorates as medical doctors do not necessarily hold a doctorate, although it is much easier for medical students to earn the degree (it is done during about one year within their course) than for those studying other disciplines (where the doctorate is a separate degree which takes 3, 5 or even more years). Apart from that, Germany uses different titles, which are written in front of the first name for addresses (within texts, the abbrevation "Dr." is common). This is a list of the types of doctorates encoutered most often. For each title the subject is indicated in which it is mostly awarded. (There are exceptions from this, depending on the rules and traditions of the degree-awarding university.)

Dr. h.c. (Doctor honoris causa - honorary doctor)
Dr.-Ing. (Doktoringenieur - Engineering)
Dr. jur. (Doctor jurae - Law)
Dr. med. (Medicine)
Dr. theol. (Theology)
Dr. phil. (Doctor philosophiae - humanities)
Dr. rer. nat. (Doctor rerum naturae - literally "Doctor of the cause of nature" - all natural sciences, mathematicians and computer scientists)
Dr. rer. pol. (Doctor rerum politicarum - Economics, Business Administration, Sociology and related subjects)
First-Degree (or First-professional) Doctorates

D.C. (Doctor of Chiropractic)
D.D.S. (Doctor of Dental Surgery)
J.D. (Juris Doctor or Doctor of Law)
M.D. (Medicin栄octor or Doctor of Medicine) (US)
D.P.T. (Doctor of Physical Therapy)
D.O. (Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine)
D.P.M. (Doctor of Podiatric Medicine)
D.M.D. (Doctor of Dental Medicine)
D.V.M. (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine)
Psy.D. (Doctor of Psychology)
Pharm.D. (Doctor of Pharmacy)
O.D. (Optometry Doctor or Doctor of Optometry)
Related topics

Bachelor's degree
Master's degree
Engineer's degree
Bologna process - EU harmonisation
Degrees of Oxford University
British degree abbreviations
Thesis committee
PhD Central - Open Source Network to Suggest or Find a Thesis Topic
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com
Doctor of Technology
http://www.answers.com/main/ntqu ... logy&sbid=lc11a

The Doctor of Technology (D.Tech.) degree is conferred upon candidates after having completed a course of study in technology, and a project of lengthy duration in a technologically-related field. Like other doctorates, it is an academic degree of the highest level.

The doctor of technology program enables graduates to obtain an advanced level of knowledge in specialist fields and aims to produce graduates capable of advancing knowledge within their industry. The degree focuses on developing practical solutions in the workplace, critical analysis, synthesis, and innovation.

In the United Kingdom the D.Tech. is considered a "higher doctorate". In South Africa, the D.Tech is equivalent to other research doctorates.

In the United States, the Doctor of Industrial Technology degree is recognized by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) as equivalent to the Ph.D.
In Finland, the degree tekniikan tohtori (TkT) is comparable to a Finnish filosofian tohtori (~PhD), except that it's granted by an university of technology.

This entry is from Wikipedia, the leading user-contributed encyclopedia. It may not have been reviewed by professional editors (see full disclaimer)
※ 来源:考研论坛(存档) bbs07.kaoyan.com


天道留学 tiandaoedu.com 时间:2010-08-11 10:31
点击: 621次

  美国的软件工程是一个很好的方向,学习内容实际,操作性强,非常容易找工作,并且很适合将来在美国立足。比如说,如果你作一个关于测试理论或者开发方法的论文,接触一些软件开发和测试过程中的问题,找工作面试的时候,你可以拿你的论文项目当成经验来说,容易跟别人谈的来。而且,由于很多软件工程的研究项目适用于各个领域,找工作局限性小。所以不管是EMC这样的存储公司,还是CISCO这样的网络公司,或者是ORACLE这样的数据库软件开发商,你都可以兜售自己的项目,都可以说你自己似如何在开发的过程中用什么样的方法开发,问题何在,用什么样的方法测试,coverage如何。但如果你是CS的其他方向,比方说AI研究intelligent tutoring system的,尽管你写过几行程序来验证自己的idea,但是公司可能想,这是个AI的项目,我们是网络公司,不需要,没门。
作者:Warald Email:iamxiaoning@gmail.com 同步更新博客Blog:http://www.1point3acres.com/ http://blog.sina.com.cn/warald 欢迎转载, 转载必须保留作者ID & Email & Blog, 否则视为侵权, 谢谢!


来源:USnews2011-05-30 21:40

凤凰网全国十佳留学专家康宇清老师,从业八年,熟知各热门工科专业的复杂分支、就业情况和申请技巧。申请有疑难?来问康老师吧! <详情>

3月15日,《美国新闻与世界报道》USnews杂志公布了最新的商学院排行榜。要去美国留 学的学生都会提及美国大学排名,并以此作为选择美国大学的依据。每年会有很多机构对美国大学进行各种各样的排名 ,其中最具可信度的排名就是USnews作出的排名。下面是USnews2012美国大学软件开发专业研究生排名。
Rank排名 University美国大学
1 Carnegie Mellon University卡内基美隆大学
2 Stanford University斯坦福大学
2 University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院
5 The University of Texas at Austin德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
6 Cornell University康乃尔大学
7 Princeton University普林斯顿大学
8 University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学
9 University of Illinois Urbana Champaign伊利诺伊大学厄本那―香槟分校
10 University of Wisconsin Madison威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
11 University of Washington华盛顿大学
12 Rice University莱斯大学
13 University of Maryland College Park马里兰大学帕克分校
13 Yale University耶鲁大学
15 Northeastern University美国东北大学
16 University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉机分校
17 Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院
17 Harvard University哈佛大学
19 University of California San Diego加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校


本文来源于留学啦 2011-08-31 21:10 阅读 90次 标签美国大学计算机专业排名

USnews 2011年美国大学软件开发专业研究生排名Programming Language 1 Carnegie Mellon University卡内基美隆大学 2 Stanford University斯坦福大学 2 University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校 4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology

2011年美国大学软件开发专业研究生排名Programming Language
1  Carnegie Mellon University卡内基美隆大学
2  Stanford University斯坦福大学
2  University of California Berkeley加州大学伯克利分校
4  Massachusetts Institute of Technology麻省理工学院
5  The University of Texas at Austin德克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校
6  Cornell University康乃尔大学
7  Princeton University普林斯顿大学
8  University of Pennsylvania宾夕法尼亚大学
9  University of Illinois Urbana Champaign伊利诺伊大学厄本那―香槟分校
10  University of Wisconsin Madison威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校
11  University of Washington华盛顿大学
12  Rice University莱斯大学
13  University of Maryland College Park马里兰大学帕克分校
13  Yale University耶鲁大学
15  Northeastern University美国东北大学
16  University of California Los Angeles加州大学洛杉机分校
17  Georgia Institute of Technology佐治亚理工学院
17  Harvard University哈佛大学
19  University of California San Diego加利福尼亚大学圣地亚哥分校



1 Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA
2 Stanford University Stanford, CA
University of California--Berkeley Berkeley, CA
4 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA
5 University of Texas--Austin Austin, TX
6 Cornell University Ithaca, NY
7 Princeton University Princeton, NJ
8 University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA
9 University of Illinois--Urbana-Champaign Urbana, IL
10 University of Wisconsin--Madison Madison, WI
11 University of Washington Seattle, WA
12 Rice University Houston, TX
13 University of Maryland--College Park College Park, MD
Yale University New Haven, CT
15 Northeastern University Boston, MA
16 University of California--Los Angeles Los Angeles, CA
17 Georgia Institute of Technology Atlanta, GA
Harvard University Cambridge, MA
19 University of California--San Diego La Jolla, CA

